Sunday, May 16, 2010


Well, sharing my feelings about 30 Seconds to Mars is yet another way of expressing my love for their music.

The first time I heard about them was when The Kill was released as a music video. I remember watching it for the first time while chatting with my best friend online. We were both watching MTV. I still remember the thoughts that crossed our minds in that moment. Nice music. Cool video. Hot singer.

Then it came From Yesterday. I got the album A Beatiful Lie. By that time we were completely obssessed and deeply, deeply addicted to 30 Seconds to Mars.

However, the best moment of all was yet to come. In February of 2008, the opportunity to watch them live arose. It took me ages to convince my mother to just let me go to the concert. When I finally managed, the venue was sold out. Talk about disapointment. But proving to be the best guys in the world, a second concert was added to the tour, in May, this time in a bigger venue. The day I heard that I went completely out of myself.

So, in the 3rd of May, 2008, we headed to what would be the best day of our lives. We were already thinking it was being amazing when all of a sudden, a security guard sat next to us. Then when we realised why we nearly fainted. Jared was going to sing. In the middle of the crowd. Next to us. A metre or two away from us. That day I experienced a feeling of happyness that I sincerely probably have never reached again. No concert ever has surpassed this one.

Then, it came a less enthusiasthic period. I'm not saying that I forgot about them, but I simply was no longer into them in the same way. Somehow, other bands had took their place in the first position.

This lasted until last year when I went through a less than happy phase of my life. Things were pretty bad back then. The song R-Evolve was like an anchor in those moments. Sometimes I would spend the entire afternoon just listening over and over again to the very same song telling to myself that a revolution would be to come in my life followed by an evolution, just like those hopeful lyrics. I clinged to them as if they were a life vest.

It all ended up well and by the summer of 2009, things were again like before, happy moments shared which soundtrack was pretty much again 30 Seconds to Mars. By this time I also found out twitter. Guess how happy I was when I realised that a certain leadsinger also used it...

It was exactly through twitter that I realised they had a new song and a new album. When I heard Kings and Queens for the first time it was one of those cases when in the beginning you kinda like the song, by the first chorus you love it and by the second one you are singing along.

When I thought that I couldn't love an album more than I did with A Beatiful Lie, I was totally wrong. This is War is completely above all my expectations and believe me, they were already pretty high.

There are many albums that I can say I love many songs. But among those, few are the ones that I love and know by heart each lyric, that I link each melody to great moments and that are such a good example of good music as This Is War.

Apart from their music, what I really think is unique and fascinating about 30 Seconds to Mars are all the symbols and meanings that revolve around them as well as the Echelon. I must say I have never seen such an united and huge family of fans. Never. The Echelon is unique in its dimension, support and passion for the band.

I am really grateful to the Echelon for just existing and to the guys in the band for putting their hearts in every tiny piece of music they make.
Because you make an important part of my life. Believe me.
Thank You!

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