Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FINALLY... TIME TO GO TO WAR!!! ₪ ø lll ·o.

"Has been a little over a year that my life went through a big turn. I’m facing the challenge of living all by myself, in an unexpected moment.
I wasn't prepared for that, I didn't even decided what I wanted for life or what goals to fight for. Everything was becoming increasingly difficult, it was like a snowball, the unsolved problems were accumulating. In fact, they had been building for 10 years, but this last year was so hard that I have even developed psychosomatic illnesses. As an only child, used to rely on parents for everything, I was forced to grow, it was a need, but this way was harder and painful.
I even got into therapy, but what helped me most was music. I always expressed myself through it more easily and got to understand things around me, too.
The fact is that I always loved 30STM music, but it never spoke to my heart so strong as now, with "This is war" album. It helped me to see the answers exactly when I most needed it.
The crucial moment, when a light came on before my eyes, was when I first heard the songs "This is war" and "Vox Populi". I couldn't hold back the tears, first because of the thrill of hearing the active participation of Echelon in the recording (it was like I was there), joining us to the band once and for all as part of this experience and as family. Second, listen to those strong lyrics being sung with the peerless energy of our brothers from around the world, made them to invade me with all sense, as something alive.
I went to College, I work, I date and hang out with my friends, I thought I could get everything I wanted here in Brazil, but I always felt kinda empty and never found out why.
So, at that magic moment, I figured out that my soul is so infinitely bigger than this little space, I wanted to earn the world and know it all, but never had the courage! Plus, I always felt this need to help others but never found the real motivation.
I just don't know how this idea came out from my mind, but I did what I hope will change my future, my life and my soul to a dream came true!
I signed up on United Nations Volunteers and my head is taken by great plans, like never before!
And all this inspired and enlightened by this magic songs and this wonderful experience of being a 30STM Echelon. I feel the strenght, the courage and the freshness of an ex-convict, ready to start over and give a new direction to my story!
So, I just wanna say THANK YOU 30 SECONDS TO MARS, for changing my life in a so amazing way!
I love you and I'm proud of being ECHELON!

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