Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Will Never Forget, I Will Live My Life

I first became a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars when I saw the "A Beautiful Lie" video. I couldn't believe that a song could describe me so perfectly, and that I could relate to every single word. Just that song alone has helped me so much.

When I was 16, I was abused by a member of my family. I tried to pretend that this never happened, and I tried to forget about it, because I didn't know what other ways to deal with it. I was really depressed and felt completely alone at the time. Then I saw the video for "A Beautiful Lie" on youtube one day, and I bought the cd soon after that. I could relate to every single song, and the lyrics described everything I was feeling. I listened to the songs over and over, and that really helped me feel better about things. It didn't change what had happened, but it got me through a lot of it, and motivated me to keep going and to keep fighting.

Because of 30 Seconds to Mars, my life has changed so much. They have inspired me to keep fighting even when it seems impossible, and my life is a thousand times better.

I'm really proud and grateful to be part of the Echelon for being such a great and awesome family. I can't see myself ever not being part of the Echelon, I don't know what I would do, and I think you're the only ones who can understand what it means to be a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and part of the Echelon.

Kathryn (k_obecny)

New Hampshire

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! You should be proud that you get through it! Remember! Echelon is always with you!!!
