Thursday, May 13, 2010

Echelon...thank you

So, first of all, hello Echelon!
My name is Juliette and I'm 13. Yes, 13. Please don't think of me as a "fangirl" or anything of that kind.
When I was 10, I discovered Mars, and something just clicked. I know I was only 10, but I just felt something in their music that I couldn't explain.
Well, I guess I'll start writing about how they helped me out.

When I discovered them, I lived in South Africa (I don't anymore). I had a good life there.
My best friend was there, she was an Echelon was well, everything was going relatively well.
Until my father developped a drinking problem. I didn't know why he did. He had a good job, he was an ambassador. He was "the boss".
Not only that, but he was a heavy smoker, so he got tongue cancer, and had to go into surgery. I recall him crying the day of his operation, and one of the most awful days of my life was going to the hospital and seeing him in pain.
And years before, when i was 8/9 he had another illness...i forgot the name of it, but the circulation in his leg stopped and the ambulance came to our house and he stayed a few weeks in the hospital. I wish he could be more careful about his health.
I just kept quiet about it, I didn't tell anyone. I have huge problems expressing myself, so bear with me please, this isn't easy.

Life went on, and one day I remember i was at home, and my mother got a call from the dutch ministry. I was listening to her talk to the person on the line. They told her that my father's co-workers had realised about his problem, so the guy on the phone told my mom to talk to him about it.
My mom told my dad, and he stopped for about one week until he started again.
So we got another call from that guy, and he told us that my dad would have to stop working here.
I was completely crushed. We had one month to sort everything out and leave. We didn't even know WHERE we would go!
It all happened to fast. I remember telling my best friend about me moving and crying in the school toilets with her.
She was my whole life.

We decided to move to Turkey, because it's where me and my twin were born.
When i moved here, i felt so alone. I swear i never want to go through this stuff again.
I didn't know anyone, i didn't speak turkish, and it was a cold winter.
We were staying in a hotel and all i did was listen to Mars, which definitely helped a whole lot.
The songs "The Story", "Savior" and "93 Million Miles" were always on repeat.
One week after arriving here, we started school.
It was horrible, my first day.
Everyone spoke turkish outside of the classrooms, and i felt so lonely.
And my dad still didn't stop his drinking.

I joined twitter and found so many amazing people who had gone through so much, and were so optimistic. And i spoke to my best friend online constantly which definitely helped. And then she joined twitter and we all had fun talking to our amazing Echelon friends and hearing about their experiences.
But my mother was concerned. All i did was spend time on my computer.
She started fighting with my dad and all that crap.
We moved to another apartment, and life went on.
My dad didn't work anymore. And my mom was busting her butt off.
I'd like to thank her too. No matter how much we fight, I appreciate every single thing she has done.
And my twin too. Oh my god. Being a new kid alone? I could never imagine such a thing.
And ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY my best friend, Chloe. Even though it was online stuff, it has helped so much, and we have dicovered so much about each other since we last saw each other.
Anyways, I still had trouble expressing myself, and i started having so much bad dreams, I still have them too, so i'm scared to sleep.
My mother seemed very upset that i couldn't open up. She told me my body language was a huge sign. I always fold my arms. And yeah...I don't know i can't help it.
I think it's much easier opening up to the Echelon, true family.

So, sorry if this post was depressing, be happy guys! No matter what trouble you're having, always find a reason to smile, a reason to wake up in the morning!
My reason? Chloe, The Echelon, Mars!
Thank you thank you thank you.
I'm happy now, and a reason to be happier is that me and Chloe will be reunited this august!
Again, THANK YOU! Wether you know it or not, you've helped me a WHOLE lot through everything.
And Seraphina, you're so amazing!
And everyone behind The Echelon Untitled project, you rock!

Provehito In Altum

Juliette, Istanbul, Turkey


  1. Juliette, you are a soldier. Rock on.

  2. Things'll get easier, sweet. I promise. Keep stepping forward.

  3. no matter what happens we will always be here for you, and we will always fight for you. you are echelon family and we love you. keep strong fellow solider. Provehito In Altum xxx
