Thursday, May 13, 2010


wow! I can't believe I'm letting you Echelon, my family read my story! Maybe, and that's what I think it's not a great story as most of yours, but this is my story and I want you to hear how 30STM and the Echelon have changed my life! My e-n-t-i-r-e life!

Well, I must say first of all, that I discovered, really discovered 30STM about a year ago (I'm not as "old" as most of you are!), it all started with The Kill video, which BTW is my favorite song on Earth! First, I got a huge huge crush on Jared! Then, I downloaded the song, and listened and listened again and again and again until I knew it by heart (it all happened in a day) so I thought "wow! this guys really rock! thay already have my soul!" and suddenly I downloaded almost all the songs! The next day I went to the store and bought the CDs. Suddenly I had fallen in love with all theis music! Then Kings and Queens came into my life! Kings and Queens has really changed my life!

All I wanted then was JARED, 30STM, Tomo, 30STM, Shannon, 30STM!! really I had a crush! but not on them! no! I loved the way they transmitted me all their feelings and I really felt them! I could feel for the first time with a single song what anger was, what happiness was, sorrow, despair and something really important what unity was! and for real, this is something that only they have made me feel!

I then, thanks to Twitter, knew about this great family, the Echelon. People may think that we are just a fan club or something like that! But I know now that Echelon means something else. Something that is really really hard to explain in words, words that people who are out of this will never understand! You have to live it and feel it in order to understand what Echelon really means!

On twitter like 3 months ago, I started following Jared, then 30STM, Tomo, Shannon, and then follow as much Echelon as I could! But, I mean we're too many many members of this great family! And I hope it keeps on growing full of believers! This has really changed my whole life! Now I feel like I'm really part of something! something more than wonderful! I used to believe in nothing, now the only thing that I believe in is 30STM's music, members and of course ECHELON!

Echelon has given me the ability to know people around the world who share my same feelings, thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

I finally would like to share the most important story of all! I know have a sister! Even though she's from Poland and I'm from Mexico, I mean, this has really turned into a sisterhood thing! Echelon made me know her, this Untitled Echelon Project made me closer to her and 30STM made this link even stronger!

That's what Echelon really means to me! No boundaries! No differences! NO nothing! But family!

Thank you all for allowing me being part of this big and great family! You're my life now!

I believe in nothing Not the end and not the start I believe in nothing Not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing Not the day and not the dark I believe in nothing But the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing One hundred suns until we part I believe in nothing Not in sin and not in God
I believe in nothing Not in peace and not in war I believe in nothing But the truth in who we are

Cynthia Sarabia, Mexico
I'll be always here for you!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I love it! It's so personal for me! I adore my #Echelonsiter! She's amazing and this thing over my comment proves it!
