Sunday, May 30, 2010

In defense of our dreams

I actually don't know where to start, so I will start anywhere in the hope it will make sense in the end. English is not my mother tongue so please be lenient with me :-)

My entire childhood and youth were affected by parental drug and alcohol abuse, physical and mental cruelty, sadness and loss. I lost my parents at a very young age and remained alone with a mass of responsibilities, and a broken personality.

The years after I lived under a glass-cover. I was like unconscious, just tried to function. I was not able to feel anything - no happyness, no anger, no sorrow. I only pretended to have feelings. During this time I did not even recognize it.

And then these three guys entered my life and changed everything... I have been listening to 30 Seconds to Mars for years, but it was only one of the bands I liked and had no special meaning to me. Today I think that I was not ready to understand the message earlier. Then I was at a concert and my whole world turned upside down. Suddenly I started to understand and every song became a perfect meaning for me and my personal situation.

The weeks after I listened to every song again and again and again and the messages became clearer and clearer. I suddenly realized that I was wasting my life by trying to fulfill other peoples expectations in me. I never thought about what I wanted from life. I made decisions for other people not for myself. And I haven't even realized it for years.

The songs of 30 Seconds to Mars allow and encourage me to be the person I really am. They tell me that it's right and good to struggle with my inner demons every day. I now have the feeling that I became a stronger and more valuable person by all the pain I went through. I am different and it's nothing false in being different. It's better to be authentic than adapted 'cause this is who I really am.

I want to thank Jared, Shannon and Tomo, for being the f.cking most brilliant artists in the world. Their music touches me in a way I never expected. These three men changed everything and I did'nt even ask them to do so. I can't say that my existence has become easier through their apperance. I have to struggle even harder, but I do struggle instead of watching my own life passing by. Their music hurts in my bruised soul every day. It hurts so much ,that there are often tears running down my face while listening, but it makes me think and forces me to go on. It is my inspiration to get my ass up and at least try to become a kind of happy.

I will be thankful until the end of my days, because these guys definitely saved me. At the moment I'm not sure what to do with my recovered life, but the lyrics will show me in a while, I guess...

One more important thing I want to thank Jared, Shannon and Tomo for are the Echelon. When I first heard of them I found it kind of strange. But then I entered the world of Twitter and within two or three days I understood. I was searching for current information about 30 Seconds to Mars and found... amazing friends, a big family.

While everyone in my so called "real life" finds my addiction to 30STM and my changing personality weird, the Echelon understand and support me. Some of them are also fighting against tortures and harms of life (as well as I read here) and made similar experiences with the music of Mars. I found my personal soulmate amongst the Echelon, my sister, my counterpart. (You know that you are meant sis, my refletion :-) ) I am so thankful to be a part of this big crazy crowd. 30 Seconds to Mars have opened a new world to me - the Echelon make this world alive.

Thank you dear brothers and sisters for understanding, for supporting, thank you for simply existing. I won't miss any day I spent time chattering, laughing or even crying with you!!! Some time ago I wouldn't have believed that I'd ever share my personal story, my most intimate secrets with anybody. 30 Seconds to Mars and the Echelon made me a person that releases these thaughts in the internet. I am so proud of this person I developed with your help. Thank you!!!

I will do my best to defend my dreams in every single day of my life. Some days may be harder than others, but I'm alive again and I promise to live!!!

All my love - up to the stars and back down to earth. Prohevito in altum!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I will live my life

Just wanted to share a few words on how 30 Seconds to Mars have impacted my world and me as a person.

I remember when I first got introduced to 30 Seconds to Mars' music. I was studying my Psychology degree at university in 2007 when my twin sister came to me and said "30 Seconds to Mars are playing Hammersmith Apollo next year, we have to get tickets!" I knew who 30STM were because my sister was a huge fan but I hadn't really heard any of their music. I remember the first 2 songs I heard by them were "A Modern Myth" and "The Story" and that was it, I was instantly hooked. We booked tickets for Feb of 2008 in London and I got to experience them live which was incredible! The way Jared engages with the audience is like nothing I've seen before, most artists would fear actually getting up close and personal with their audience, but the way Jared plunges in to the crowd, it's clear he revels in it and I love him for that.

After that performance, Jared came outside and chatted to us for a while and again that's something you rarely see so he was earning mega brownie points in my books! I will always remember someone saying to me that it was cool that he stayed and chatted however don't expect it to last too long, because as they get more successful they won't care as much about the people at the shows. That person was VERY wrong. I recently went to see the guys again at Wembley, they delivered a mind-blowing performance and it is an experience in which I will carry with me forever. Again, after the show my sister and I hung around and again Jared came out and had a chat with a few of us. From that moment onwards, I knew my dedication to the band would be just as strong as what they show to us and my loyalty was unwavering.

My life at the moment is slightly monotonous as I am working hard to save up money to continue my studies at university in order to get to where I want to be in life. Some days it's hard to wake up and feel inspired or motivated because every day is such a routine. But when I listen to 30 Seconds to Mars, I can hear the passion and conviction in Jared's voice and it makes me think they have had to work so hard to be as successful as they are. If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to put in the work. The music of 30STM is so inspiring, I listen to "This is War" in its entirety everyday for motivation. "Closer to the Edge" particularly resonates with me as I find this a hugely powerful song. From this song, I take away the message that you should do whatever it takes in order to live your life and to feel purpose behind your actions. When I hear the words, I know that every day I'm getting closer to my goals which will ultimately lead me to where I want to be in life, and it's through 30STM' music that I realise this.

I now have all 3 albums from 30STM and their music is something I will always cherish and I look forward to expanding upon it!

The dedication and passion that Jared, Shannon and Tomo commit to their shows and to their interaction with audiences (whether it be an arena full of people or a group of 20 outside) is something that most artists can only dream of achieving. 30 Seconds to Mars delivers above and beyond all expectations and it is the reason that the Echelon family continues to grow. It is the reason why I am proud to say that 30 Seconds to Mars has had a profound effect on me as a person and the way I look at life. I can merely say thank you for that but those words can only describe a fraction of what's in my heart.

Laura De Rosa, UK

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

They MADE my life

I don’t know how to start this. But maybe I should tell you my story to start with?

Most of this can I not remember because is such a long time ago, so I have got it told by my family.

My story begins back in the Christmas 2001 when I was 7 years old. My uncle, who lived in USA at that moment, gave me a demo cd from a band called 30 seconds to mars. It was a cd he have got from he’s friend who knew the drummer in the band – Shannon. I fell admittedly in love with the music. I have been told that I only could fell a sleep when I was listening to the cd.
Short time after Christmas my grandfather died. I had a really good relationship with him. I was so sad that I was close to get a depression. But I was lucky and I am still sure that the cd I had got is the reason till that I not got that depression. 8 month after Christmas I, and the rest of the world, so lucky that 30 seconds to mars’s album came out. After some years became I more and more an Echelon and I have now been it in 5 years I think.
After being a fan in 9 years the day of my life came. It was March 9th 2010, the day Shannon turned 40 yeas old, in Copenhagen, Denmark. I still have the feeling that it didn’t happen! Aging were I closer than never to get a depression and stress because the concert was over and I had so much going on in my life. But because of the amazing Echelon came I through that and I am now happier than ever!

I don’t want to say that 30 seconds to mars changed my life, because they MADE my life. I can’t remember how my life was before I heard 30 seconds to mars the first time. Mostly because I was so young but also because they have made such a big influence on whom I am to day. They are the reason to all the amazing friends I have made because of the Echelon. They are properly the reason till that I not am a girl in trouble and with a depression to day.
They are my life!
And I am not afraid to say that they HAVE made the life I am living.
Jared is the reason till I am an actor now. When I have been close to quit I have been seeing a movie with him and I got my passion back of acting.
30 seconds to mars is the main reason to I am playing music today. When I sow how amazing Tomo and Jared are on a guitar I wanted to bee just half as good as them and I am close to be that to day.
Then are you properly thinking “what have Shannon done to you”, he gave me the desire of want to photographer more and more.
I own the guys my life. Because they gave me my life.
I can’t thank 30 seconds to mars enough for being the band they are!
I love them so much and they will always be a part of my life.
I can feel my life when I hear their music, it’s the soundtrack till my life and who I am. 30 seconds to mars is who I am, always have been and always will bee.
Thank you 30 seconds to mars and the Echelon for doing all this to me.

I love you more than words can describe!

Marie, Denmark

This is the Story of my Life....

Ok, maybe this isn't the story of my life...that would take too much space and time. You see, I've been around almost double the life span of most Echelon, sometimes more. I'm old enough to be Jared and Shannon's slightly older sister. But we're going to skip ahead several years to the first moment I heard Attack on the radio.

It was early summer, 2005. I was fresh out of the hospital, after having a pacemaker/defibrillator "installed", I'm really not that old, yes it was early, I was only in my 30's. The previous year my doctors had found that I had a condition that was most likely caused by a virus that made my heart beat strangely...out of rhythm, and my left ventricle didn't pump by itself. Anyway, I was pretty weary from surgery, and all the new medications I was on when I heard Attack for the first time. I loved it instantly. I went to look online to see who the band was, because the radio hadn't said anything about the song.

I remember sitting at my step son's computer, looking at a picture of 30 Seconds to Mars....and having the distinct feeling that I knew one of the band members. I even said out loud, "Hey, I know that guy!", and my step son replied, "Uh huh, sure you do." and walked away. I then started digging for names of the band members online, and realized where I knew that Jared guy from...My So Called Life. I LOVED that show! I even have that book they put out after the show was over! I was amazed...of course I hadn't seen him in anything in over 10 years...or so I thought. A quick look at IMDB told me that I'd seen plenty of Jared, I just hadn't recognized him.

A little more information online, and I found out that I couldn't buy the cd that had Attack on it, as A Beautiful Lie wasn't out yet. It was a long wait (it seemed like) until the release date when I ran out and bought it. I carefully unwrapped it and kept the great wrap that had the rose on it. I listened to that cd until I thought my family was going to kick me out of my own home. I also bought the self titled cd, but I couldn't even locate it in town, I had to order it online.

Somewhere the next year, 30 Seconds to Mars was on tour and coming to a standing room only smaller venue here in town. I was still pretty sick. I called the venue to see if there was anywhere to sit, and they could only accommodate me if I were in a wheel chair, which I wasn't. It broke my heart to not go see them live. I vowed then that one day I would get to see them live.

I spent a few years with some pretty serious health problems. There are so many parts of my life that were touched because of 30 Seconds to Mars, and Jared's other work as well. I started reading Hubert Selby, Jr because of Requiem for a Dream. Last year I became vegetarian. Last year I had three surgeries, and one of the things that helped pull me through was knowing that soon there would be a new cd, and a new tour...and I was determined I would see them this time!

There wasn't a summit near where I live, but I watched online and wondered what the guys were going to do with everything that was being sent to them. I couldn't believe it the first time I heard Kings and Queens. I was listening online to the premier on KROQ. I felt so happy and so proud ... proud of the guys, proud of the fans, and so proud to be a fan. I remember downloading the cd in December, and crying several times. Between Alibi, and 100 Suns...especially the "beating of our hearts" line, and even lines like "One day it'll all just end", it seemed like my "birthday buddy" as I've been calling Jared for a while now, as we share the not so stupendous December 26th birthday, was writing pieces of my soul for lyrics.

I watched tons of youtube footage of the tour that was happening in Europe. The day the tour dates for America were announced, I called my friend who lives in Arizona. I've known her since I was 11! I was scheduled to go stay with her for 10 days, and the tour was starting in that part of the country while I was there! She said, "They sing that Face is a Map of the World song, right?" (This was actually better than I had hoped for, most of her iPod is 80's haha) I told her we could go to Tuscon, and there was also a Mesa show at that time that was later rescheduled to Phoenix later in May. I also told her the tour was kicking off in Las Vegas, and it was at that moment I knew how much she loved me...she told me to get tickets, she was taking us to VEGAS! There's something about someone who's known you 30something years. They REALLY know you.

I had been kicking around the idea of a tattoo since the end of 2009. Before I went on vacation, I got cherry blossoms on my left lower arm to signify how life is short and beautiful, and only lasts a moment, and underneath I had Beautiful Lie in Kanji, because that album, and that song, kept me going through so much.

The Vegas show was great, so great that when I got home from vacation, I bought tickets to go to Orlando to see them at the House of Blues. This year I have taken three people who were not familiar with 30 Seconds to Mars to concerts, and they have left there blown away, and die hard fans. I met the guys before the show in Orlando, and they are awesome. I took my booklet from my A Beautiful Lie cd with me to get them to sign it.

A few years ago I was so ill, and not able to do half the things I've done this year. Day after tomorrow, I go in the hospital for another surgery...a big one this time. Part of the reason I lived it up so much in April was because I knew this day was coming. But it's ok, Jared, Tomo, and Shannon will be in the hospital with me, on my iPod shuffle, that is only loaded with 30 Seconds to Mars. Their music calms me when nothing else can. The rhythms, the lyrics, everything feels like home.

Thank you, 30 Seconds to've helped me in ways that I only touched on the surface here. You are part of my soul, part of my life. And thank you SO MUCH for making This is War so much about the fans. Though my heart beats mechanically, it beats stronger because of you. (and a special thanks to inspire me to be a better Capricorn.)

"I believe in nothing, but the beating of our hearts." ~Jared Leto
Me too, birthday buddy, me too.

Monday, May 24, 2010

i believe in nothing, but the truth and who we are.

There's a lot to be said for the value of a family, but there are not enough words for the value of the Echelon. We are more than a community; we are the friendliest cult out there. We are more than a family; we are each other's spirits. We bring each other hope, while gently relaying tragedy. We bleed together. We also prosper together. When one is down, there are a thousand virtual hugs being squeezed into their being; whether we know each other or not, the Echelon is always there. The band is our light, our sun, the thing we orbit around and live our lives for. We hold more value to each other than we will ever realize. My recent experiences with the person manning this project showed that to me.

I found 30 Seconds to Mars when I was only 10; still awfully young, new to the world despite being alive a decade. They caught my attention with the music video for "From Yesterday". To me, it was art. An interesting plunge into the world of music that didn't lurk on the radio, played time and time again. During the summer, I snuck A Beautiful Lie from the library, unsure how my mother would react to the thought of her daughter listening to...heavier music. I felt so rebellious; I laugh at that now, and it brings me a sliver of joy. I wasn't as in to music as I am now, so the CD merely impressed me and didn't stick with me. It was on my iPod as good thinking music, inspiration for the poetry I was writing. Time passed, and I grew up. Music became an obsession, and I discovered how amazing 30 Seconds to Mars was, and still is. Each of their songs became my favorite (though I will say, it's "Capricorn" that has held me rapt these days) while I plunged into the world they created. Each glyph, each "goodbye" screamed to the plucking of guitar strings was magic, and the joy this band was brought me is incredible.

30 Seconds to Mars helped me survive my depression, which is something I can never pay them back for. Months ago, during the summer going into my eighth grade year, I fell into a state of sadness that I kept to myself for quite some time; nothing spurred it, yet is was consuming and maddening. Each day it threatened to eat me alive, gnawing on the beings of my sanity. Even my family couldn't, help, so I resorted to falling back into my shell. By that time, MARS was my favorite band, much loved and admired. Music was now an obsession, rather than an interest. This marked a major shift in my life, the turning point of maturity. When they say, "depression hurts", they're not lying. It bites harder than any wolf and cuts deeper than any blade. I never felt compelled to end my life or injure myself, being terrified of gore and slightly hesitant toward pain, but the suffering I went through still chills me to this day. Simply listening to their music was a step away from the real, harsh world. "Attack" told me to forget those who had hurt me, while "A Beautiful Lie" displayed to me that everyone suffers at some point. "The Kill" taught me how to face myself. In a twisted way, "The Fantasy" was telling me to remain hopeful, that there was always that best case scenario. "Do you you you bleed...for the fantasy?" Yeah, I would do anything to get back to normal, my fantasy. Anything. As we prepped for This Is War, I saw that scenario coming to life-being so hopeful for something so mundane that it hurt.

My countdown started at 100 days, and so did my healing process. Some faith ignited within me, because I knew this album would not falter. Sure, the release date changed a million times, but it was still looming around the corner. Around days 95 through 80, I was at my lowest points. The epitome of sorrow. These were the days where instead of sobbing, I'd sit in stony silence. "Are you okay?" A blink, a nod. Nothing more. Rarely talking even in class. Eventually, I broke out of that. Can't remember why. The lyrics from "Kings and Queens" kept vibrating through my head, and I vowed not to let myself become the victim of myself. I was the queen of promise. I saw the Mithra seal, and I was the phoenix, being born again.

On low days, I'd sit inside my raincloud, listen to music. Listen to interviews where I was constantly being told by Jared, Shannon, and Tomo that I was loved. It's surprising how much that meant; I had never met them, and the chances of me ever doing so were not great. Yet I felt a strange kinship with them, like they would patch me up if I was bleeding. I felt the same with the Echelon; my family, a Primordial soup filled with eccentric and lovable people. No one has any idea how much an "I love you" from a stranger means until you've heard one. Incomparable.

So, basically, in the end I fixed myself. And the music of 30 Seconds to Mars was the main cause for that. It taught me hope and faith. It also let me know, through screaming lyrics, that I was not alone in my problems. A seething voice, a singing guitar, thrashing drums layered upon heavenly synthesizer doesn't really seem like a good medication for depression. But trust me, MARS is the best drug out there. You're never alone, and their music, however angry, however soaring and epic, is a comforting hand placed on the shoulder.

Shannon, Tomo, Jared-Thank you for making this music. Thank you for supporting me, though chances are you'll never know what you did. You guys are good people, regardless of what anyone says. Your talent can never be exceeded, and the way you treat us, your fans, is something every musician, every celebrity, every minor coffee house poet should respect.

Echelon, you guys mean so much to me. My family, built off of familiar strangers. I'm here for you, always will be. Each of you are kind, brilliant people, and we can all learn so much from each other. I love you, and you guys have my blessing for the rest of your lives.

I'm falling back into that state now, but I'm not so afraid. I have faith in myself and my world, and I know that that is the very thing that will pull me out of the abyss.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Is Who I Really Am!

This Is Who I Really Am Inside, The lyrics from "The Kill" let me find who I really was.
I was searching for myself, even though im a christian, finding yourself still takes a whole lot out of you, doesnt matter what faith, race or creed In the end I found who I really was and this song helped me and encouraged me and is sort of a song that related to me at the time.

Here is My Mars Story:

It was near the end of 2006 and I was transitioning into the EMO scene when I saw this band performing in China, I thought to myself "This is a music video?!", I kept watching and really got into them, the melody, chords, the drums driving. I fell in love instantly, the only thing was I forgot their name.

I then kept sitting in front of the TV hoping to watch the music video again, it was like an addiction, I finally knew the name of the band and decided to buy the album (A Beautiful Lie) listning to it for the first time I knew this band was going to be the "IT" factor for me and from then on I was hooked.

Early 2007 I decided to join the Echelon, being christian I was reluctant at first since I was fearing of the "Cult" label, but I joined and it opened my mind and at first I was new and like a baby to the "Official Boards" but most of you welcomed with opened arms and the one that stands out is the forumer known as JETO even though were in different places we grew a friendship and he helped me out with everything.

Mid 2007 came the Music Awards in Australia and being able to see them there and watch the NZ Vodafone Select Live interview them was great, even though our guy was late and kinda left a bad vibe with the Mars guys, it was awsome.

Over these years my Mars library has grown alot, Cd's, Posters, and Magazines, My Mars Satchel (bag) and soon to be aquired, This Is War Photobook, Dogtags, Echelon T-Shirt, Echelon Wristband (red), and an Arrow Patch.

To 30 SECONDS TO MARS: Thank You for your music, your fan interaction, the inspiring lyrics you touch people all over the world, I Pray that you keep doing this till the end of time. I also welcome you to our country on behalf of all New Zealand Echelon and hope you have a great time in New Zealand. Explore, photo, video, and learn all there is to learn about our place, since we know how much you guys like culture and this will all be a new experience for you guys. I think Provehito In Altum sums this up very well.

To the Echelon: We are the Keepers of the Gate, The Kings and Queens of Promise, the army that fights and believes in this band called 30 Seconds To Mars. Thank you all for the experience and oportunity to be apart of this army, fan base, but to me we are Family! THANK YOU!

To The NZ Echelon: Thank you all for an awsome experience that is past, and is yet to come. You are all like family to me, and let's have one awsome time in AUGUST!

Thank You all for this experience, and blog to share and inspire those reading.


Aaron Livingston
Porirua, New Zealand

(Twitter: Aaron_EcheloNZ)

(Forum Name: The Valiant)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't Be Afraid

Jared, Shannon, and Tomo,

I know you have heard this from thousands of people since you guys began this incredible journey as 30 Seconds to Mars more than 10 years ago, but I can’t help repeating the sentiments of others when I say that your music has changed my life.

I went to a show of yours over four years ago not knowing what to expect. It was March 26, 2006 at the Town Ballroom in Buffalo, NY and my sister was dying to go. She talked me into going with her, even though I had never heard of 30 Seconds to Mars before. It was my first concert, and I was nothing short of completely blown away. It didn’t matter that I had never heard the music before. It didn’t matter that we were stuck in the back. I came home with my head spinning, an autographed CD, and memories that will last a lifetime. From the moment you guys went onstage, I was instantly a part of the incredible, loving family that makes projects like this happen. One of the best decisions I have ever made was to say yes to my sister that March afternoon.

After that beautiful, magical night, I knew that I had found something important. Something had changed during that show. Music had always been important to me - I had played different instruments for as long as I could remember and music was regularly discussed in our family - but after your show, music was everything. For years I had had my heart set on becoming an architect, but I suddenly couldn’t see myself spending the rest of my life behind a desk drawing buildings. It wasn’t enough. It was then that I chose the path that led me to study Music Industry at Syracuse University. I realized that I may not be cut out to be a performer myself, but I need to be involved in the industry in some form or another to be happy.

About seven months after that night at the Town Ballroom, a childhood friend of mine passed away at the age of nineteen. His life had been one of many difficulties that he seemingly did not know how to overcome, and he had turned to drugs at a young age. We had grown apart a couple of years prior to his death, but when I heard of his overdose, I was stunned and heartbroken. We had different groups of friends at the time of his death, and I found myself unable to talk to my friends about it. They didn’t grow up with him, they had no memories with him, they were not affected by his passing. They couldn’t understand my pain, so I turned to the one thing that I knew could help: your music. I listened to A Beautiful Lie, especially “A Modern Myth” and its chorus of goodbyes, on repeat for months as it was the only thing that made the pain lessen and my anger, fear, and sorrow be released. Unfortunately, I have had a few more friends die before they reached the age of 20 since then, and I have consistently turned to your music as therapy.

As cliche as it sounds, that experience truly made me realize the fragility of life. I came to absolutely despise the idea of doing anything except what made me happy, because who knew when it could all be over? As much as I enjoy architecture as a hobby, music is my greatest passion, and it needs to be the focus of the environment in which I work. Upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that I want to help people experience something similar to what I did at your show in 2006. I want to be one of the people responsible for bringing music to the public because I know the power it holds and the ways in which it can change lives for the better. I truly believe that I have no one to thank but you guys - Jared, Shannon, and Tomo - for where I am in my life right now and where I see myself going in the future.

If you’ll allow me one request, it would be that you guys keep doing what you’re doing. You have changed the lives of countless individuals, and you will continue to do the same for others, I know it. Your music is forever a part of who I am, and I am more grateful than I can even express for your creativity, passion, and dedication. I have found who I am and my place in the Echelon family, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Love love love,

Laura Dumitru

Buffalo, NY, USA

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FINALLY... TIME TO GO TO WAR!!! ₪ ø lll ·o.

"Has been a little over a year that my life went through a big turn. I’m facing the challenge of living all by myself, in an unexpected moment.
I wasn't prepared for that, I didn't even decided what I wanted for life or what goals to fight for. Everything was becoming increasingly difficult, it was like a snowball, the unsolved problems were accumulating. In fact, they had been building for 10 years, but this last year was so hard that I have even developed psychosomatic illnesses. As an only child, used to rely on parents for everything, I was forced to grow, it was a need, but this way was harder and painful.
I even got into therapy, but what helped me most was music. I always expressed myself through it more easily and got to understand things around me, too.
The fact is that I always loved 30STM music, but it never spoke to my heart so strong as now, with "This is war" album. It helped me to see the answers exactly when I most needed it.
The crucial moment, when a light came on before my eyes, was when I first heard the songs "This is war" and "Vox Populi". I couldn't hold back the tears, first because of the thrill of hearing the active participation of Echelon in the recording (it was like I was there), joining us to the band once and for all as part of this experience and as family. Second, listen to those strong lyrics being sung with the peerless energy of our brothers from around the world, made them to invade me with all sense, as something alive.
I went to College, I work, I date and hang out with my friends, I thought I could get everything I wanted here in Brazil, but I always felt kinda empty and never found out why.
So, at that magic moment, I figured out that my soul is so infinitely bigger than this little space, I wanted to earn the world and know it all, but never had the courage! Plus, I always felt this need to help others but never found the real motivation.
I just don't know how this idea came out from my mind, but I did what I hope will change my future, my life and my soul to a dream came true!
I signed up on United Nations Volunteers and my head is taken by great plans, like never before!
And all this inspired and enlightened by this magic songs and this wonderful experience of being a 30STM Echelon. I feel the strenght, the courage and the freshness of an ex-convict, ready to start over and give a new direction to my story!
So, I just wanna say THANK YOU 30 SECONDS TO MARS, for changing my life in a so amazing way!
I love you and I'm proud of being ECHELON!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Will Never Forget, I Will Live My Life

I first became a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars when I saw the "A Beautiful Lie" video. I couldn't believe that a song could describe me so perfectly, and that I could relate to every single word. Just that song alone has helped me so much.

When I was 16, I was abused by a member of my family. I tried to pretend that this never happened, and I tried to forget about it, because I didn't know what other ways to deal with it. I was really depressed and felt completely alone at the time. Then I saw the video for "A Beautiful Lie" on youtube one day, and I bought the cd soon after that. I could relate to every single song, and the lyrics described everything I was feeling. I listened to the songs over and over, and that really helped me feel better about things. It didn't change what had happened, but it got me through a lot of it, and motivated me to keep going and to keep fighting.

Because of 30 Seconds to Mars, my life has changed so much. They have inspired me to keep fighting even when it seems impossible, and my life is a thousand times better.

I'm really proud and grateful to be part of the Echelon for being such a great and awesome family. I can't see myself ever not being part of the Echelon, I don't know what I would do, and I think you're the only ones who can understand what it means to be a fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and part of the Echelon.

Kathryn (k_obecny)

New Hampshire


Well, sharing my feelings about 30 Seconds to Mars is yet another way of expressing my love for their music.

The first time I heard about them was when The Kill was released as a music video. I remember watching it for the first time while chatting with my best friend online. We were both watching MTV. I still remember the thoughts that crossed our minds in that moment. Nice music. Cool video. Hot singer.

Then it came From Yesterday. I got the album A Beatiful Lie. By that time we were completely obssessed and deeply, deeply addicted to 30 Seconds to Mars.

However, the best moment of all was yet to come. In February of 2008, the opportunity to watch them live arose. It took me ages to convince my mother to just let me go to the concert. When I finally managed, the venue was sold out. Talk about disapointment. But proving to be the best guys in the world, a second concert was added to the tour, in May, this time in a bigger venue. The day I heard that I went completely out of myself.

So, in the 3rd of May, 2008, we headed to what would be the best day of our lives. We were already thinking it was being amazing when all of a sudden, a security guard sat next to us. Then when we realised why we nearly fainted. Jared was going to sing. In the middle of the crowd. Next to us. A metre or two away from us. That day I experienced a feeling of happyness that I sincerely probably have never reached again. No concert ever has surpassed this one.

Then, it came a less enthusiasthic period. I'm not saying that I forgot about them, but I simply was no longer into them in the same way. Somehow, other bands had took their place in the first position.

This lasted until last year when I went through a less than happy phase of my life. Things were pretty bad back then. The song R-Evolve was like an anchor in those moments. Sometimes I would spend the entire afternoon just listening over and over again to the very same song telling to myself that a revolution would be to come in my life followed by an evolution, just like those hopeful lyrics. I clinged to them as if they were a life vest.

It all ended up well and by the summer of 2009, things were again like before, happy moments shared which soundtrack was pretty much again 30 Seconds to Mars. By this time I also found out twitter. Guess how happy I was when I realised that a certain leadsinger also used it...

It was exactly through twitter that I realised they had a new song and a new album. When I heard Kings and Queens for the first time it was one of those cases when in the beginning you kinda like the song, by the first chorus you love it and by the second one you are singing along.

When I thought that I couldn't love an album more than I did with A Beatiful Lie, I was totally wrong. This is War is completely above all my expectations and believe me, they were already pretty high.

There are many albums that I can say I love many songs. But among those, few are the ones that I love and know by heart each lyric, that I link each melody to great moments and that are such a good example of good music as This Is War.

Apart from their music, what I really think is unique and fascinating about 30 Seconds to Mars are all the symbols and meanings that revolve around them as well as the Echelon. I must say I have never seen such an united and huge family of fans. Never. The Echelon is unique in its dimension, support and passion for the band.

I am really grateful to the Echelon for just existing and to the guys in the band for putting their hearts in every tiny piece of music they make.
Because you make an important part of my life. Believe me.
Thank You!

Edge Of My Heart

Well, the first time i heard about the band, it was on 2005 on the Internet. With the single “Attack”. I can’t say that it was the love at the first sight. Honestly, it didn’t really catch me. BUT when The Kill was released, the Story began! I just discovered an amazing band. Jeez it was really powerful, and that’s something for me because most of the time i’m a difficult girl, that’s no really easy to catch AND keep my attention. But they did. Since this time, i just couldn’t stop thinking of them. This band means a lot in my life. I can say that they took a big part on my life. They were there when i was in trouble, with my family, and even more with friends.

Actually, it’s quite personal but i’ve a friend, who died last year. She hang herself. And i’ve seen her something like 2 days ago, smiling and full of happiness. But i was in a hurry and i didn’t talk to her. What’s the link with 30 Seconds To Mars? In fact they really helped me to surmount my pain. Because i felt really guilty, even if it wasn’t my fault. And now thanks to them, i’ve a song to describe her. A Modern Myth. It helped me to bring closure to her grief in a certain way. The “Goodbyes” that Jared sings louder and louder are just for me a way to express my pain, and to free myself. At the beginning i was always skipping this song when i was listening to ABL. Weird i know. But now that’s ok.

But in a more optimistic part, and i think that i’m not the only one to feel that, they allowed me to take part of one of the most wonderful family. I don’t need to named it, you already know it. The ECHELON of course. Thanks to them, to their music, to their investissement about us, i’ve friends all around the world! In Italy, Poland, Chile, Croatia, UK, USA, Brasil, South Africa, NZ, Australia, etc! We understand each other, and that’s what make the echelon one of the most amazing family in the word. Really. Sometimes i feel like they know me better than my friends, because we share the same passion and the same love for 30 Seconds To Mars.

And all these amazings experiences are possible thanks to the guys, Jared Shannon & Tomo. Honestly, i’ve NEVER seen a band who pays so much attention to their fans. I had the chance to see them for the first time in Paris on march 5th. 11 hours of waiting outside with a freezing wind, 1 month of illness, but if i had to do it again i’ll do it. And again and again and again haha. The best day of my (short) life. And i hope that i’ll have new marsian pieces of my life to share thanks to them :)

Anna (France)

Nothing Is Over

I'm not exactly sure how to begin this post. There is so much I could say, yet so little I can put into words.

It all began in 2007, when the video for The Kill appeared on my TV screen. At that point, and every time a 30 Seconds To Mars video popped up from then onward, everything around me was cut off and the TV had me hypnotised. This band already meant more to me than any other band before, and I made it my mission to become a part of their world, a world which seemed so perfect. I was 13, and it already felt like my life had purpose. I got to know the band as best as I could, I just couldn't shake the incredible feeling they had given me, I just had to know everything. They became the reason for my existence.

I introduced my best friend to 30 Seconds To Mars and together we became fanatics. We would go to each others houses and sit watching interviews on YouTube to the point where we could quote every word, or put on the making-of DVD that came with our A Beautiful Lie albums and laugh when Bartholomew Cubbins "didn't show up", acting like we were the only ones in the world that were in on the secret. We would text each other whenever anything, no matter how small, reminded us of 30 Seconds To Mars, everything from snow to a car horn. The band became more than just a band for both of us, it was a lifestyle.
But her life was troubled, and over time she became unstable. She gave me hints at what she was planning to do, and despite my efforts to talk her out of it her mind was dead set. One morning I turned on my phone to find a text sent from the previous night, saying she was headed to the bridge at the edge of town, and goodbye. Within seconds I was on the phone to her, and it was only when her voice croaked at the other end of the line that my heart started beating again. She told me that she had walked to the police station instead and begged for them to take her in, but they refused and took her home. Ultimately, it was a final listen to Buddha For Mary that saved her, and the sweet memories that it held. For weeks I was afraid of falling asleep again, in case she changed her mind, but she never did. To this day I am eternally grateful for that song, and every song by 30 Seconds To Mars, for keeping her, and as a result me, on this earth.

Even then, some half a year later, something slipped. I became extremely shy and introverted while my friends changed around me. I would refuse to talk, mostly because those I was with weren't used to talking back. As much as I hated it, I drifted further and further apart from the rest of the world as I shrunk into myself. Eventually, someone I thought was my friend claimed I had been badmouthing those I cared about the most, and even my best friend chose to believe her. I lost everyone, I became completely alone. For another month people would only talk to me to shout abuse, and I could do nothing but lie alone and feel... void.
It was only after a chance hearing of Praying For A Riot that I emerged from the hollow bubble I surrounded myself in. The sheer beauty of the music in my ears and the tragic truth behind the lyrics was enough to rekindle the love that had been lost for so long, and even though my life was broken, I tried to believe nothing was over.

As much as it feels weird talking about these personal experiences, in fact every time I listen to 30 Seconds To Mars it becomes a personal experience. The music in itself is so beautiful, so enlightening, so powerful... Many times I have been hypnotised and experienced what I can only describe as hallucinations while listening to them late at night.
Aside from that though, there is something deeper. It is as if this band holds a vital part of me, as if without them I would stop breathing. As much as it seems like a cliché to say that this band, 30 Seconds To Mars, means the world, there is no other way I could express the love I feel for them.

Since the start of the year it has become... a ritual, I guess, to listen to 30 Seconds To Mars at the end of every day, and at least then, for about half an hour, I can believe that the world is perfect, because for half an hour I am on Mars.

Jenni (DontSaveMee)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tell me would you kill to save for a life?

My name is Susie (Zuzanna) and I’m from Poland. I’ve got so much to say (or rather write) that I have no idea how to start. I’m sure that after posting my blog I’m going to say: Why didn’t you write it. Stupid MOFO!!!! Anyway, I hope I’ll share everything what is important for me. So now I’m going to start from the very beginning!

It was something about 5 years ago. I was sitting on the coach watching something like Polish MTV and suddenly I saw IT. I was totally shocked. My heart was broken. I watched “From Yesterday” video. I would never thought that this moment will change so much in my life! Then, I showed it to my dad and he liked our great 30 Seconds To Mars too (by the way I always say our 30 Seconds To Mars and feel so fucking awesome with that). I started listening to Their music. It was like lifeline for me and still is but every day stronger! But these times are somewhere far away. With GUYS I learned not to look back. Only the future and present is important. So now I’m going to write about future. J

5 months ago I’ve found out that new album is going to be published. I was so happy when I heard new songs! They were all like magic! I just can’t describe feeling when I’m listening to them. I’m not getting bored at all. I can do it 24 hours per day and still want more and more. Anyway, what I wanted to say… first months of these year were terrible for me. I can’t describe how many tears I cried! I was so lonely with no real friends, no support and lots of problems with myself. And when I was getting back home thinking about GUYS I felt quite better. But only watching interviews, videos and listening to songs make me feel great! I start every day switching on my MP3 and the same ending it. It just gives me soo much positive power!

The most important and the best day in my whole life was 18/03/2010 in Prague. Awesome show and amazing experience. Here I have to mention my dad. He’s one of the best person in my life. I remember moment when I said: ‘Do you know that 30 Seconds To Mars are going to play in Prague?’ (we live in Poland and it was quite near). Honestly, I was just joking. Of course it was always my dream but I would never thought that he could say: ‘So why won’t we go there?’. But he DID. It was like a dream. Guys were simply awesome. I think it was only day in my life when I felt this way. Awareness that They were in the same place were gorgeous! I still can’t believe that I was there and that so much time went pass!!! I even have got a box with all things which remind me about this day!!! But there is still one thing which I can’t stop thinking about. I see photos of people together with our fantastic GUYS in Internet every day. It’s for me the biggest dream!!! I can’t imagine it but I don’t stop believing that it will happen sometime and somewhere!

And now after not so long period of time I’m totally different person! I’m part of Echelon family. Nobody will be able to understand it if he is not so deep into it! We’re just one huge community. Everybody is so nice and crazy. We can chat all night long and don’t feel passage of time. I met so many amazing people and I really want to mention them here! I want to thanks @CynthiaEchelon and @EmeraldMoon21 for being the most amazing older sisters in my life which I never had! Since I met them my life is much more colorful! I can share all happiness and sadness with them and they never let me down! @Pia94L with who I can chat all the time! And of course my lovely @SunnyFromVenus. Thanks to her I joined her mission and now every Friday we tweet our topic of the week! All #Echelon is together and tweets as hell! I can’t describe it. You have to see it to understand! These people are just so important for me now. I understood it during 5 day without Internet! I was going crazy without them!

And now I want to say something about GUYS! They’re amazing of course. They give us so much time and they don’t really have to. They could like other ‘stars’ don’t care about their fans. They support us and post so much photos. We can feel part of them! It’s awesome. Thanks to them I believed in my dreams. I always thought that I simply can’t reach some goals but it disappeared. Now I know that impossible is nothing. I’ve got power to do and believe! I get up every day thinking about it! They say it in interviews and really encourage me to feel like that! I can just say THANK YOU but it’ll never be enough! But thank you Jared, Tomo and Shannon.

And they are so hardworking! They really do it for us (Echelon)!!! We appreciate it and that’s why we try to show them support every fucking second of our life!!! On Twitter – the best place for Echelon!!!

I love you Jared, Tomo, Shannon and all my Echelon family. My life would be empty and with no sense without you!

Zuzanna Bućko

Jelenia Góra, Poland

It's Just A New Beginning

I'm delving deep into my soul as I write this, because I've never expressed myself this thoroughly about my life relating to 30 Seconds To Mars. 30 Seconds To Mars has done something incredibly special for me, something that I never would have expected. No other band or artist has ever touched me and altered my life the way 30 Seconds To Mars has. Jared Leto, Tomo Milicevic, and Shannon Leto have indirectly saved my psychological state of mind, therefore saving my entire life.

It was 2006, I was 11 years old. When I first heard "From Yesterday", I was unknowing to the fact that this unknown band would ultimately save my life. I remember thinking how great of a song it was, and how I wanted to get the whole album. It might sound weird, but listening to 30 Seconds To Mars back then made me feel as if I had some extra strong power, as if the lyrics and the band were somehow connected to me and were a part of me. I'd never experienced any feeling remotely close to that, and since I was young and immature, I brushed it off as nothing.

Thinking back, a memory is popping up in my head of joking around with my best friend about the lyric "on his face is a map of the world". I now understand so much more meaning behind the song, and it will always have a deep place in my heart. I just can't help but wonder if that strong, questionable feeling I had was insight and a clue that this band would have such an impact on my life in later years.

I really did love 30 Seconds To Mars back then. But, those years of transitioning into a teenager made me try to find myself. I went back and forth with music preference and taste in genres. Regretfully, I left most of my love for this band behind. I still occasionally listened to them, but it was nothing like "the very beginning".

I am so thankful for the day of December 5, 2009.

I woke up at my best friend's house, with the TV still on from the night before. As we were talking, on came an advertisement/preview sort of thing for Kings And Queens. I remember the exact conversation.
her: "Oh wow, I haven't seen or heard 30 Seconds To Mars for a while"
me: "Yeah, I guess they have a new album! Wait.... did they change their name to "Thirty" Seconds To Mars, instead of "30" Seconds To Mars?"
(That makes me laugh now. I said that because on the screen it was written like that and I hadn't seen it spelled with all words before.)

That day as soon as I went home, I searched up the band that I used to love and have a strong connection with. I was curious to see what I had missed throughout the years. And boy, was I missing out.

DECEMBER '09 was full of re-entering myself into the world of 30 Seconds To Mars, getting to know so much about the band members, starting my obsession with Jared Leto, freaking out to my friends about my rekindled love, etc.

Now, here comes JANUARY '10, when this band helped me through the toughest time of my life.

My brother was admitted to a metal hospital because of severe depression and suicidal thoughts. He wanted to kill himself. It was a huge blow to my family. We loved each other so much... and never thought something like this could happen. He was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Just thinking back to going to a mental ward, and visiting my own brother, my older brother that I always counted on, and loved more than any one could ever imagine. It makes me cry. Just remembering him there, lifeless in a room with many other people. It breaks my heart.

I missed a lot of school, I shut myself away from my friends. The only thing I could turn to were my parents and music. But, my parents were suffering enough because they are incredible parents, and seeing their son go through this crushed their souls. So, I turned to music to save me. I was right to do so. Constant hours of doing nothing but listening to 30 Seconds To Mars, calmed my anxiety and fears. I had a deep connection to "Alibi", as many people probably do. the lyric, "I fell apart, but got back up again" was my psychological anthem. I did fall apart, and had to get back up again and fight for myself, my parents, and most of all my brother's well being.

From January to now, it's been a constant cycle of falling apart, and getting back up, and falling apart, and getting back up... so on and so on. It's a major struggle with anti-depression medications. A lot of things didn't work, and there were a lot of struggles with finding the right therapist for him. Even now, nothing has gotten better. Some days it seems like everything is going to be okay, then others it seems like the end of the world. I even had a huge psychological struggle trying not to go down the same path as my brother. I was spiraling down, and 30 Seconds To Mars pulled me back up.

Since I didn't want this to be a sob story, I want to get back to the way 30 Seconds To Mars has helped me, and now the Echelon has a huge impact in that. Every single song of theirs has touched me in one way or another.

Jared puts his heart and soul into the lyrics, and you can feel his passion in your bones.
Shannon, is an animal. Rightfully so, named SHANNIMAL. The way he plays the drums is so powerful and inspiring. Tomo is an all around great guy and talented guitar player.
I can honestly say I LOVE them.

When I met all three of them on April 18, 2010, it was the best day of my life. I went to the Toronto show with my mind set on going up on stage for Kings And Queens, meeting the band, touching Jared, getting a picture with Jared, etc. Absolutely EVERYTHING I had wanted, happened. I was second row, I got up on stage, I got a picture with me on stage with Jared behind me, I was the last to meet the band members after the show, I got a long hug from Jared. But, the best part of it all was that I got to have conversations with Shannon, Tomo, and Jared. I got to do what I had always wanted to do, thank them for everything (and also laugh with Tomo about how he's a crazy mother fucker, haha).

I owe my life to 30 Seconds To Mars and the Echelon. I will be forever grateful. I will always be a dedicated member of the Echelon. I don't know where I would be today, if 30 Seconds To Mars hadn't helped and saved me though my toughest times.

I, Madison Maria Vartanian, have "Finally found myself fighting for a chance, I know now, THIS IS WHO I REALLY AM" and this is who I will always be.

Madison Vartanian (@madisonECHELON)
-Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

the WAR is won

I remember myself being 15 years old. I wasn't sure about what I like and what I want. I wasn't sure about anything.
I thought that I have to be just like everyone else, even though I knew I was looking for something different.
I was looking for a music that was different, I was looking how to express myself and I needed those people that could understand me.

Then, one day, I’ve heard of 30 SECONDS TO MARS, and they’ve changed everything.
30 seconds to mars is really the best band ever. They’re not just talented, amazing personalities, but they love their fans like no other band does. That’s why they gave us an amazing opportunity to be a part of their new record. No one had ever did anything like this before.
I’m not trying to be like someone else anymore. This band taught me how to be proud of who I am. I know that people might think bad things about me, but now I know how to ignore them. I don’t care what they say. Now I’m a better person.
I’ve met so many amazing people from all over the world and it’s even strange, because I love them so much, even though I’ve never seen them live.
When I feel sad or depressed I know I can always talk to someone from the Echelon, because that’s what Echelon does. They help each other. Echelon means a lot to me. It's much more than just a fan base. It’s my friends, my family. They’re people who love each other no matter what. It's a huge honor for me to be a part of it.

I’d like to thank Jared, Shannon and Tomo for EVERYTHING. For the support, for their creativity , for inspiration, for all these experiences, and for telling us to live our dreams…

Deimantė (@deimante_),

'Start Again..With A Brand New Name'

My name's Rebecca. I'm 24, from Lancaster in the UK, and I'm a music fan. I've grown up listening to all kinds of artists, but never before have a band impacted me and my life in the way that 30 Seconds To Mars have. Their music and lyrics have gotten me through some of the hardest and most trying times of my life, and I've come out the other side a better person. This is my echelon story.

Music has always been a big part of my life; it made me smile and made me feel a bit better when things got rough. Until a few years ago I was a young woman being bullied for not being pretty or normal enough for people to like, and I had little self esteem and self belief. I used to dream that I'd one day find a band or a song that would change my life; I believed in it so badly, and yet, for the longest time, it didn't happen. That was until one day when a song came on the TV - and that song was 'Capricorn (A Brand New Name)' by 30 Seconds To Mars.
It didn't matter that the title was the same as my star-sign, although I couldn't help but smile at that; it was more what the song's lyrics expressed and empowered in me. The one stand out line for me has always been 'Start again, with a brand new name'. As a victim of bullying, it made me realise that despite how people spoke to, treated and judged me, I could do what I wanted, be who I wanted to be and be proud of those things.
I continued to listen to that song whenever things got to me; school, exams, arguements with friends - after listening to that song, everything seemed a little clearer in my mind and my outlook was a little brighter. Today, it is still one of the most played songs on my ipod - testatment to the impact it has had upon me, as it still does. My admiration for the band and their music has only grown stronger as they have gone onto achieve more and more of their dreams, ambitions and the success they've worked so hard for.
As a proud member of the echelon for some years now, in 2009 I joined twitter. There I could chat to and discuss things people on the other side of the world - and never before have I seen a community of people so dedicated not only to the band, their music and their messages but also to one another. Having found the echelon, and the online twitter community, I felt, for the first time in years, that I was where I was supposed to be. I will openly admit that to the many people I regularly chat to, I am closer to them than my true family; I do not wish to hide that fact, for my fellow echelon understand me, and for that I am grateful.
My first live 30STM experience was a night I will always remember. In November 2009 I gathered at Koko in London with a few hundred of my fellow echelon, made some great friends who I value dearly, and above all else, had an amazing time with people I share a common passion and acknowledgement with. I thank all those who were there for being part of the experience with me - like you, those memories I have will last a lifetime.
Since then I have gone onto see the band three more times, and every time they take those first steps on that stage, I feel more and more closely connected to them and what they and their songs mean to me, both as an individual, and as a proud echelon member.
If I could say one thing to Jared, Shannon and Tomo it would be this. Your music has impacted, influenced and helped so many people around the world, thank you for sharing it with us. Because of you, even those of us who felt like outcasts, now feel we belong. Thank you for your dedication to your art and to all of us. You should be very proud of who you are and what you've achieved - I know that I speak for many when I say that we are so very proud of you.

Rebecca (januaryjem)

I believe in nothing, but the truth in who we are...

When I started this blog yesterday, I had absolutely no idea what to write. How do you put this feeling into words? I don't even think I can, but I will try to do you all justice, because 30 Seconds to Mars and the echelon have changed my life so much.

I never for one second thought I would ever meet people like the echelon. I'm an only child; I didn't grow up having very many playmates, and even in middle school I only had a few people I considered real friends. High school followed a similar pattern, which was that people made fun of me for liking the things I liked, looking the way I looked, acting the way I acted....some people pretty much had a problem with me being myself.

I am not ashamed of who I am. I am not afraid to say that I love something, and if given the chance I would shout it from a rooftop. That's always the kind of person I have been, and I wouldn't change myself for anything in the world.

30 Seconds to Mars is one of the things I love.

I love the music. I love the creativity. I love the fact that Jared, Shannon and Tomo have an amazing bond that shines through in interviews, concerts, and in their music. I could go on for pages and pages about what I love about each and every one of them, because that is just how deeply they have impacted my life. I will list one thing about each though.

I love Jared's work-ethic. I love how hard he works, and yet still has time for all of us. Directing, writing, singing, acting, editing, touring, interviewing...and yet he still has time to talk to us on twitter and post pictures, and tell us to follow our dreams. He is a man of many talents, and if he has taught me anything, it is that you are the one who can make your dreams come true. You are the one who has to make it happen, and you can do it!

Shannon...oh what can I say about Shanimal? There is so much. I can honestly say that I love his spirit. He plays drums with such a passion that I can feel it in every song. Also, in almost every interview I have seen him in, he laughs at least once. It's contagious. And hearing him laugh always puts a smile on my face. It's to the point now where every time I think of Shannon, I am reminded to smile and smile often.

And Tomo...he is just so special. It's so inspiring to know that he was a fan before joining 30 Seconds to Mars. That is something that I honestly didn't think was possible just because all odds seem against. That's life, though, and the most important thing that Tomo has taught me is that odds mean nothing when you have talent and the guts to take chances. (Congrats to Tomo and Vicki on their engagement. Hope you live long happy lives together!)

And the one thing the band has collectively done for me is introduced me to the most amazing family I have ever known: The Echelon

With the echelon, I can be myself. I can be crazy and goofy and loud and playful...and know I won't be judged for it like my friends do. I can love 30 Seconds to Mars as much as I want, because I know I am around people who love them just as much. For the past month, I have been talking to hundreds of echelon around the world. I have been making plans, and being crazy, and being myself with no one telling me how I should be acting. Because of the echelon, I have finally began to enjoy being in my early twenties.

So, to all echelon reading this: Thank you.

Thank you @LilLaurenLeto for our crazy "disfunctional marriage"! Thank you @ZuzannaBucko for being the most amazing little sister in the world! Thank you to @claudiaicara for our talks! Thank you to everyone of the amazing echelon I have had the pleasure of speaking to, and to those I haven't met yet! I wish I could name every single of you, but this would be severely long if I did! This is the best family in the world, because we make each other so strong. Thank you all!

Maryland (US)
Twitter: EmeraldMoon21

Talk to me anytime! I love you all!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Words can not even begin to express how much 30 Seconds to Mars has impacted my life. I have been a fan since the beginning and have enjoyed every second of it. I was 13 when their first album came out and most people were listening to pop music and here I am listening to this alternative/dark music. To me it was never dark, but passionate. Every single song seemed to help me in one way regardless of what my emotions were at the time. It was the first time music had really touched me. Jared puts his heart and soul into every single lyric he writes, and you can tell. He wants his music to touch you, to move you, to make you feel alive. Shannon and Tomo are full of the passion as well. Everytime they play you can see it on their faces that there is no where else they would rather be. There were so many nights when I was a teenager that I spent locked up in my room blasting 30 Seconds to Mars because they were the only thing that would ease my emotional pain or calm me down when I would have an episode. I battled severe depression as a teenager, and yes (as many times as people tend to say this) they did in fact save my life. I was lucky enough to see them in 2007 when they were on the Taste of Chaos tour with The Used. I was also lucky enough to be able to see them at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC on April 21 and at The Tabernacle in Atlanta April 29. Some of my best memories are from those concerts, and some of my best friends have been made because this band brought us together. Jared, Shannon & Tomo are amazing men with HUGE hearts. They love their fans and they appreciate them. They even consider their fans as one big extended family, The Echelon. This band saves more lives then they could imagine and for that I am grateful. Its hard not to respond to their music. So much passion is just pouring out of every single song. People spend their entire lives wanting to belong to something, and with 30 Seconds to Mars they can.

Laurel Elise
Asheville, North Carolina

Gift of MARS

This 11th phase of the Untitled Echelon project invited me to explore what 30 Seconds to Mars means for me personally, what impact the band and their music has in my life and how it has changed me.

Honestly, I never actually spent time to stop and think about this matter before, EVER

I thought that I already know what 30 Seconds to Mars means to me, it is very simple actually, it is my favorite band. It should mean more than enough, right? I purchase all their albums, even have multiple copies. I spent the money to buy A Beautiful Line on iTunes Store because the iTunes refused to import the songs from the CD and I am too lazy to burn a copy and then import the songs. I use Night of the Hunter as my ringtone (to my coworkers protest), my alarm is Edge of the Earth (even my brother memorize the beat), I follow all the members of the band on Twitter, and retweet any news. Not bad for a fan, right?

Of course, in the world of MARS, there is the ECHELON. I consider myself an Echelon, I help promote, I introduce their songs to my friends, heck, I even managed to ‘convert’ my cousin to the ‘cult’, which is a pretty good achievement if I say so myself. In any way that I can, I try to contribute even just a little.

But to tell you the truth, I have to admit that I never had any experience where the band or their music has helped me through a rough patch in my life, pick me up when I was down, and motivate me when everything else fails. I can say I truly admire anyone that can say that they have been helped by the band or any of their songs, because I never consider myself be personally attached to any song.

I love their music; I consider all their songs to be deep, meaningful, filled with beautiful (and sometimes tragic) imagery waiting to be explored. Some are disturbing, some are peaceful, some are beautifully performed that it invites you to get in touch with your feelings, but I cannot associate a song that helps me through this bumpy journey even when my life depended on it.

So why am I here? Why did I decide to join this Phase? Because lately I realized that 30 Seconds to Mars DID give me a very precious gift that I never took time to appreciate until a few weeks ago.

Without 30 Seconds to Mars, I would have never had the wonderful opportunity to get to know my ‘crazy, beautiful, dysfunctional family’, my brothers and sisters literally ALL OVER THE WORLD. I have to admit, if it was not for 30 Seconds to Mars and Echelon, I wouldn’t even think about befriending some of the people now regularly messaging me. I wouldn’t even consider sharing a sliver of myself with them if it was not for the entity that has called themselves 30 Seconds to Mars.

I guess 30 Seconds to Mars really did touch and change my life, even if it is not visible at first.

It would be unfair of me if I measure the impact they have in my life based on my ability to memorize their names, faces and the lyrics to their songs. Because that is not what being an Echelon means, for me being an Echelon actually means more than promoting and doing the 12 steps, or trending something on Twitter that has something to do with the band.

For me, Echelon means widening my horizons, spreading my wings, taking chances, even so much as sharing my life with people I never met in person.

So I guess I owe 30 Seconds to Mars a thank you. Not only for sharing their talent, music, words, feelings, and time, but also for the chance to experience MARS.

For all my brothers and sisters out there, this is dedicated for you. Because without each and every one of you, this experience will be incomplete, THANK YOU.


Surrender To Nothing

My name is Emma. I live in Scotland. Out of the 17 years of being on this planet I've been listening to Mars for 4, yet this band is my entire life. I've never put how I've felt in writing before, so here I go. This isn't everything I want to say, but it's a start.
I saw a few seconds of the video for From Yesterday in 2006-ish (I think) and loved it on sight. It was late 2007 when I saw The Kill on TV, and to be honest didn't like it at first. But then it grew on me and I realised it was the same band whose video I had fallen in love with a year before! I was in. I couldn't believe my luck when it was announced the band would play a one-off show in Edinburgh before Give It a Name '08. I remember squealing in a packed school corridor when I got the text to say the tickets had been bought. It was the most amazing gig of my life. Every single moment was pure magical. I was so depressed after seeing Metallica because they weren't better than Mars. And I love Metallica.
I never knew that one word could mean so much to me: Echelon. I can't put what it means to be Echelon into words, I'm not sure the right words exist, but it's my everything. I have met some amazing people because of Mars and I'm always smiling when I talk to them. I'm so honoured to be friends with such amazing folks. In my experience, with all the Echelon I've spoken to for the first time it's like we've known each other for ages. Weird.
In terms of my own experiences, I doubt I would have made it if it wasn't for Mars. For (extremely difficult) exam revision I always had s/t playing in the background and I had the motivation of another Mars concert to keep me going when I felt worn down, especially when my parents separated. Mars brought me out of my shell. I used to be so shy, but now I want to fight. This Is War represents a lot to me because I'm not a pawn, I'm a friggin' soldier.
This year, it came full circle. I was finally going to see Mars again. Another night I will remember forever. The proudest moment of my life was when the curtain came down and thousands of people screamed THIS IS WAR, and I was front row at a show for my favourite band.
Mars is something that is present in every aspect of my life. And I love it.
So this summer, I'm journeying to the homeland of Mars, California, and I'm going to get my first tattoo and it's going to be a Mars one. My small way of paying back what they have given me.
All of the things I've spoken about were summed up that night in February and Attack was played. I suddenly realised just how meaningful the lyrics were and it damn near broke my heart. I was screaming the words out with tears running down my face. I'm crying and shivering again as I write this because it was the most perfect moment of my life.
I've never been lucky enough to meet the guys, but someday I hope I'll be able to say thank you for everything. Here's to many great Mars moments in the past and many in the future.
When things get tough remember that if the door is locked then you can create your own door, and surrender to nothing.