Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The face behind the pierrot mask

My name is Maria. I live in Tampa Florida. I was one of the luckiest to be picked to be interviewed by Jared.

At the concert in Orlando, on April 28th, I told him that 30 Seconds to Mars changed my life.
And that is true!
I depend on the band every day for some sort of smile, or happiness. I feel like part of a family that no one else understands but the members itself.

I could tell you my life story. I could tell you the events, the feelings, the anxiety, depression- all of that. But that isn't important. What is though, is that I have been taught to follow my own dreams and leave all of that behind. To launch forth.

The music: There is no way in hell that I could find any band similar to 30 Seconds to Mars. They are unique in every way- especially the sound. Every song has it's own meaning, it's own connections to your personal history, and they all just flow the right way. Every album has it's own purpose, and they are beautiful. This is War is probably most important to me, to teach me to fight against the hardships of life.

The band: Tomo. Tomo, you are a sincere person that I just love to follow on twitter. You always have something good to say, and you're awesome with your fans. It must be an honor to be your friend. Someday I'll get to meet you for more than a couple seconds and it'll be such a cool experience.
Shannon. The way you treasure your family, and your brother, is amazing. I admire that about you, and I also admire how much life you bring to every song, recorded, or live. You will always be one (or the one) of the greatest drummers I've ever seen.
Jared. Oh, Jared. I'm actually writing a letter to you now, to give to you at the concert on October 15th. I really hope and pray you read it, because I've never written such a heartfelt letter to someone I don't know so personally before. I wrote,
"You are the one that put in perspective that living up to your dreams is a necessity in life. You woke up the dreamer side of me. Thank you Jared, for being my hero, and living up to the title. "

The Family: The Echelon is somewhere that I can finally fit in. I've met so many new people, had experiences, and everything. We are a group of people who have turned to music for comfort, who have gotten lost, and jumped into a sweaty crowd (by the way, Jared, thanks for telling everyone to push and squeeze in. I was in the center front of the crowd, and keep in mind that I am only just a small person) to just forget about everything for a night.

I can't even begin to express the amount of gratefulness I have for all of 30 Seconds to Mars. Without it, my life would be colorless.
Love, Maria.

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