Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Battle of One, A Battle of Billions

An open letter to 30 Seconds to Mars,

On March 14, 2010, a friend and I received the horrible news that someone we had recently met, a soldier in the Canadian Army, had been killed in combat in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The feeling was so horrible--a numbness in my brain, an absolute ache in my chest.
Solace found its way to me in your music. I had been listening to "This Is War" since the release, and this horrible reality suddenly made your music all the more personal to me. Karma threw me another curve ball when I won tickets to your show the next night at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.
And so, that next night, my friend and I found ourselves in the second-to-last row at the Greek, checking out Shiny Toy Guns, sipping on some beers. Karma was not finished though! A staff member from the Greek (and if I ever see this man again, I will shower him with thanks anew) came and offered us pit passes. The rest became concert history...I've been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to check out many live shows. Without a doubt, you guys have raised the bar to a seemingly untouchable level!
I found myself five feet away from the stage and sensory overload took over! Seeing the show, hearing the music, feeling the pulse of the crowd...It was the most unforgettable experience ever! Any song I hear now from the show swells my heart and takes me back--every time! And there's more. Though I've been a fan of your music for a while, perhaps this experience solidified my connection to your art, your music, and made me want to do so much more! I'm a little new to the game, but I 'm an extremely proud member of the Echelon now!
I was mistaken to think your music was your greatest gift! Don't misunderstand, it has been my healer--challenging me to overcome the pain of death, the struggle with my father's cancer, the eight years of writer's block (as hopefully evidenced here). But your band has given me an even greater gift--the family, the cult, the Echelon! I laugh more, I think greater, I do more good in my life because of this beautiful reality, this glorious cult!
Before I end this letter, you should also know that your art and talent has given me one more extraordinary benefit. Having always had a passion for the environment, I studied marine biology and have spent almost six years at a local aquarium in Los Angeles, teaching people about marine life and how their actions shape the survival of this earth. I've watched the "A Beautiful Lie" video many times over the years and my opportunity to share it with others has finally arrived. I've been given the chance to develop curriculum on climate change and ocean acidification to middle and high school students. And it all begins with your video! I may have many facts to share, but I could never express myself as beautifully and as creatively as your video allows. So, thank you for offering a medium that will enable me to connect students with the immediacy, the danger of climate change, and the joy in the ability to do something about it. I suppose an additional shout out to Bartholemew Cubbins and Angakok Panipaq for all their hard work and exemplary vision!
And so, as I conclude this letter to 30 Seconds to Mars the unit, and to its individual members, I wish to express my endless gratitude. Your music makes Los Angeles traffic bearable, it focuses me in my education; your craft contributes greatly to my mission to empower others to take a stand in saving this planet; and it has given me the gift of a creative, strong-willed, unstoppable tour de force that is the Echelon!

With all the gratitude in my heart and soul,
Melanie Ani Vartabedian

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