Monday, March 14, 2011

Echelon Party: the 3rd

As you all know by now, over here in Holland we get together as a group of friends, as family to mostly talk about and listen to our favorite band 30 Seconds to Mars!
We did this for the 3rd official time on March 5th at Marianne's place!

We all got together and the fun started right away. Some people you hadn't seen in a while, other you had never met before!
The family grows at every party it seems ;)

We had some delicious snacks and Marianne was spoiled with a few lovely presents!
That's kind of become a tradition too, the one hosting the party get's all sorts of creative gifts made by other Echelon! I think, those are the best gifts in the world! ;)

While the music was playing away in the background and drinks were pouring, everybody was talking and having fun. All memories from parties before were brought up and stories that hadn't been told already were now! It fels like the last time we all sat together was just a week ago, but it had actually been a good 3 months!

We went outside to take a few pictures, what we always do! All of us together with some MARS-related things. In this case it was the AMAZING Triad and banner brought by Patti, still amazins me everytime I see them! And we had a poster to send a little message to Shannon, cuz it was almost his 41th birthday! Lighting all the candles for the glowing Triad did prove to be quite a challenge, but it created some more fun too!

Most of us spend the night and we were all cosily put together as a puzzle in the bedroom! And yes, it was a fairly large bedroom! :p It was about 4 am when we called it a night...

The next morning we enjoyed a lovely breakfast and talked some more. About our dreams, made some jokes here and there as we always do! Time to admit that the guys are quite often the centre of our jokes, but since Marianne has 2 large posters of them on both sides of the dinner table, you had a few awkward moments staring at the guy you're joking about! All innocent jokes, don't get me wrong, we love them! But we all have a good (and most importantly, the same) sence of humor!!!

Later that afternoon, when most people left, we decided to try the coconuts Nancy brought along!

We put some cute straws in them and had a little sip to try and see how they tasted...

No comment needed.

You can imagine the fun we had though... It (by the way) turned out to be that the coconuts were "funky", they were over-ripe... Oh what the hell, there was freaking fungus all over the bastards! They were all GREEN! And it was a bitch opening them too, I eventually smashed mine on the floor outside!!! But it was worth all the fun ;)

When everybody left, Marianne made a cute liitle box with a picture of the guys on it and the glyphics and a nice piece of chocolate in it.
By the time we left, Jared was all gone!!! I wonder why... :p I took Shannon home and I nicked Tomo from my brother HA!

It was SO much fun! And I wanna thank Marianne for opening her place to us, letting us sleep in her bedroom (where did she end up sleeping anyways?) It was great looking at your home-made scrap book photo albums! They're all little masterpieces! Thanks for the hospitality and the yummie breakfast (and dinner for Jamie and myself) And thank you to all my sistahs and bro's for coming and sharing the fun! It was another night to remember!

And as always: THANK YOU JARED, SHANNON AND TOMO! We owe you big time!

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